Echo® 9 Water vs Bottled Waters

Cost Per Gallon Comparison

Based on the retail price of Echo® 7 Water Ionizer, including the annual filter replacement and the average cost of tap water at the rate of $.002 per gallon for the next 15 years. With decreased consumption of bottled water you will be contributing to the environment by reducing plastic pollution. You can also reduce your spending on many household cleaners and disinfectants, skin toner, after-shave, hair rinse, mouth wash, etc. Conservatively, this could save $15/$30 per month, $180/$360 per year which equals $2,700/$5,400 over 15 years! This alone covers the cost of the ionizer.

NOTE: Figures were calculated based on a family of four, using a recommended daily water consumption formula of 3/4 the body weight of each individual in ounces of water. Father – 190 lbs, Mother – 160 lbs, 13 year old son – 100 lbs, 10 year old daughter – 75 lbs. Weights based on National Center for Health Statistics for average weights of individuals living in the United States. This family should consume 384 oz, 3 gallons of water each day. The calculations above have been figured using 3 gallons of daily consumption.

H2 Water Price Comparison